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About us.

Hey there, music explorer! Welcome to It's Indie... and we know it, the brainchild of a music fanatic on a mission: me, Davv.


Why did I kick off this sonic adventure? Simple. I wanted a space where hidden gems in the indie scene could sparkle. In a world drowning in mainstream beats, It's Indie... and we know it is the lifeboat for those craving something fresh. We're not claiming to reinvent the wheel, but we're good at finding the indie diamonds that deserve more than a fleeting listen.


What sets us apart? Well, we're still figuring that out. Maybe it's our relentless pursuit of the unheard, or perhaps it's the fact that we're music lovers first, critics second. Join us on this melodic journey, and together, let's uncover the soundtrack to your next obsession.

Cheers to indie vibes and discovering the sounds that'll make your ears do a happy dance!

Meet the team.

Anime image of Davv, the founder of It's Indie... and we know it

David "Davv" Young

Founder and Music Lover

Image of a man, smiling, he is wearing a striped tshirt. His name is Benny PArkway and he reviews pop and dance music for It's Indie... and we know it

Benny Parkway

Purveyor of Pop

Image of a man, wearing glasses and smiling. His name is Rick Porter and her is a lover of indie rock music

Rick Porter

Lover of Rock!

Image of a brunette lady with blue eyes. Her name is Mia Ainsworth and she reviews relaxed indie pop music for It's Indie... and we know it.

Mia Ainsworth

Fan of relaxed pop

Image of a lady, she has dark hair and dark eyes. Her name is Emma Ranger and she reviews Atmospheric and alternative rock tracks for It's Indie... and we know it

"Echo" Emma Ranger

Atmospheric Rock Afficionado

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| Artist information and images reproduced with the kind permission of artists and their representatives. 


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