Forrest Gump once said that life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get. That's not strictly true - you can count on us to always bring you the best new music!
And so, here is another delicious selection of musical chocolates, with a liberal sprinkling of both hard and soft centres. Save me the coffee cremes, you guys can have the fruit soft centres!
Charles Connolly "To See My Lover Again"
We start with a powerful pop ballad from one of our favourite discoveries of 2020.
Charles Connolly is one of those people who seem to be able to put together fabulous tunes each time he puts pen to paper. His latest offering, To See My Lover Again, is another of those, and Charles' voice has an eerie similarity to the late George Michael.
Our rating: 9.3/10
Tiger Mimic "King of Machines"
We are transported back to the sound of the late punk era for Tiger Mimic's newest song King of Machines. An unexpected breakdown takes the song in a completely different direction mid-way through, though the whole song is a high-tempo riot, as you would expect. This is going to stick in your head!
Our rating: 8.9/10
Pretty Criminal "Live It Up"
Here's a track that is very definitely indie rock!
Live It Up sees lo-fi vocals sit over a cracking rocking track that makes me want to listen at full volume, windows down as I drive around. If only it was a bit warmer!
The bands second EP Fallin' In is an absolutely cracking release, definitely worth checking out!
Our rating: 9.6/10
Frankie Davies "If I Didn't Love You"
You know that over-used phrase "voice of an angel"? Well...
Frankie Davies returns with her brand new single If I Didn't Love You. It's a good 'un, and we're delighted to name it our song of the week.
Frankie is a leading light in the UK Country Music scene and the song is a beautiful, intimate love song of the highest calibre. And she does have the voice of an angel...
Our rating: 9.7/10
Back On Earth "Brand New Day"
Back On Earth have been around since 2009 and they're back with their brand new pop-punk EP, also titled Brand New Day.
The song rattles along at a relentless pace, power drums and guitar riffs aplenty. Musically and vocally, I'm hearing similarities with All Time Low!
Our rating: 9.2/10
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